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Mount Baker Bicycle Club

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Bellingham School cycling program volunteers needed

Doug Schoonover | Published on 2/11/2024
The Bellingham School district has had a bicycling program for a number of years that is taught in the PE classes. This program is for Pre-K to 2nd grades and uses balance bikes purchased with donations from the cycling community. Currently there are 75 bikes that enable three schools to teach the program at the same time.

This year the school district applied for and received a grant to implement a program for the 3rd through 5th grades. This is a long term grant that is funded by the Washington DOT and administered by the Cascade Bike Club in Seattle. This is called the Let's Go program.

The grant provided bikes, helmets, a trailer and funding for training of the teachers and ongoing repair for the bikes. "Let's Go" has an emphasis on bicycle and pedestrian safety. The program is taught using BMX-style bikes.

Needless to say, both these programs need some volunteers to be successful. I have been involved in both programs and find it a very rewarding experience.

The next session is at Cordata Elementary from February 20th through March 1st. There will be two more sessions at different schools in March and April.

How to volunteer

David Mazur, PE teacher at Cordata Elementary School, is looking for volunteers to help with the PE bike programs. Pre-K through second grades are on balance bikes. We work on balance, bike control and safe
riding practices. Third through fifth grades are following the Let's GO curriculum supplied by the Cascade Bike Club.

If you have not signed up to be a volunteer with the district, complete the district's volunteer application.

The volunteer shift is 90 minutes during the school day.

Sign up to volunteer February 20 through 23.

Sign up to volunteer February 26 through March 1.